The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77024   Message #1370342
Posted By: GUEST
03-Jan-05 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: Touring in UK
Subject: RE: Touring in UK
Yes you can walk. Try it from John of Groats to Landsend. It is a well worn route for the die hard raising money for charity.

Phone all the local radio stations and Tv stations. Announce your route, your chosen charity and folkie aspirations. Sell yourself to anyone who will listen. Get a tag, 'The Wanderin' Minstrel'.

Seek sponsorship from companies who may like to have your back or front advertising their wares. Phone breweries, would they like you stopping off at their hostelries en route, to play and sup?

The roads aren't paved with gold, but there are the odd nuggets out there to be found for those with an aspiring heart and shoe leather to make it beat faster.

Good Luck. Have a ball.