The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76956   Message #1370439
Posted By: EagleWing
03-Jan-05 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: For those who hate RAP!
Subject: RE: For those who hate RAP!
Willie O said,
"Just for the record, I stand by my remarks. Please note I used a qualifier, I never said that anyone who says they hate rap is a racist.

But there is a rather short step between xenophobia and racism.

Think about it."

Well, I'm thinking about it. Xenophbia is fear of foreigners or foreign places. Who's shown that they are afraid of either?

(Not that I agree with the references to no good black singers - I'm not sufficiently up with the scene and can't even say that I know how many good contemporary white singers there are.)

Frank E.