The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76956   Message #1370548
Posted By: GUEST,punkfolkplacidrocker
03-Jan-05 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: For those who hate RAP!
Subject: RE: For those who hate RAP!
hello EagleWing ..

please re-read this entire thread carefully and note
that i only start from, and try to remain in,
a peacable and concillatory
neutral corner of the ring..

until either confronted by statements of such astonishing conservative ignorance
that i find it necessary to make the least undiplomatic comment
i can manage under the circumstances..

or called out by my name and challenged by anothers belligerent
insult or confused misreading of my objections/objective..

also bear in mind you came here singling me out
for your hazily focused invective..

you are the one who brought an unneccessary 'fight' to me..
at an indecently late UK time of New years morning
when i was more than adequately wassailed on the SPIRITs
of new years celebration..
so dont be so surprised that my exasperated response
was expressed in a less than sober manner..

i honestly dont care if you like rap or not..
..and if you really are'nt 'racist' to even the smallest degree
of unconcious hostility to other cultures.. Great!!!!

but face up to the fact that you ARE one of the individuals
who only came here to rant in an negatively,
irrational, ill considered..
and sustained over reaction..

whats your problem..!!??

what was your personal oversensitive need and motivation
to come here and expose your continuing apparent insecurites
to public scrutiny..???????

..i'm sure all dwditty wanted to do
was bring the name of a positive rap artist
to the attention of any mudcatters
who might be positivly interested..

thats all..

but this thread certainly seems to have 'incited'
some odd reactions from less rational representitives
of the folk community...