The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52109   Message #1370796
Posted By: MMario
04-Jan-05 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: The Great Tune Hunt Permathread
Subject: RE: The Great Tune Hunt Permathread
Bob - I still have working miditxt (and with a little tweaking the abc's from it are still good) - so those miditxt files aren't "lost" - though if you spot any you posted that haven't been noted I'd appreciate a line.

midi file and gif for Balina Whalers would be appreciated - that way I can set the lyrics to the music.

Dick tells me the next version of the DT will have a LOT of the collected tunes - and evidently plans are in the works to allow him to update the DT online. (WOW!) - but meanwhile we just slog on.