The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77060   Message #1370864
Posted By: Jeanie
04-Jan-05 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: reasons for not marrying
Subject: RE: BS: reasons for not marrying
These are generalisations, of course, but I don't think it's so much that "bright women don't find men interesting enough". Bright women will find something interesting in anything, everything and everyone. That's what makes them bright ! Bright people never complain of being bored. There is always something new and interesting to look at and learn from.

I think it's more along the lines of the quote by Claire Rayner: "Intelligent men often prefer a less brainy partner." Some (but by no means all) men feel intimidated by women who are equally or more intelligent than themselves. A couple of examples: Over the years, I have come across men (family/friends/partners) who point blank refuse to watch TV programmes such as "Mastermind" or "University Challenge" with me, because they can't bear to hear me answering questions correctly, when they can't ! The reverse situation doesn't worry me in the least.

Another example: from my experience, an intimidated male of the species can tend to interpret a woman as "showing off", when she is merely having fun with her knowledge or skills - e.g. I was once accused of being a "show-off" by a male friend who felt intimidated by my mock exaggerated Italian pronunciation of dishes on a menu - I was simply playing and having fun !

For an enduring relationship, a truly bright woman will be bright enough to let the man feel that he is brighter, but never let on what she is doing ;)

- jeanie