The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77060   Message #1370894
Posted By: Willie-O
04-Jan-05 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: reasons for not marrying
Subject: RE: BS: reasons for not marrying
The premise is biased, so the conclusions will be likewise.

If highly intelligent men have demanding careers and need/prefer partners who will be available to help support their day-to-day needs in the home, wouldn't the same be true of highly intelligent women in this day and age? (I mean, ask my wife. )

And how did they determine that "A chap with a high IQ is going to get a demanding job..", not to mention the unflattering chauvinistic portrait of same...I'd have thought that high intelligence would lead to some degree of relatively advanced social sense.

Plus the numbers they have are just plain weird. If indeed "the likelihood of marriage increased by 35 per cent for boys for each 16 point increase in IQ", where did they start from? 50? 100? Let's say 90, that being the nominal bottom end of normal IQ range.

How many 30-year-old men with an IQ of 90 are likely to be married?
Let's say 60%; if so, a quite intelligent chap, IQ 116, is 95% likely to be married, and the extremely clever IQ 132 is of course 120% likely to be so. The genuine genius of 148 appears to be a bigamist...or are they counting how many marriages each person has?

Similarly a female genius appears to have ZERO chance of being married. \

Yep, I think both the study and it's quick-off-the-mark interpreters are on pretty thin ice here.