The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76956   Message #1370897
Posted By: EagleWing
04-Jan-05 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: For those who hate RAP!
Subject: RE: For those who hate RAP!
An equally good afternoon to you, punkfolkrocker.
Oh there was a mix up about exactly whom you were insulting?
That's why I usually quote either a name or part of the text - so people know who I am replying to.. I got the feeling, though, that at least one other person thought you were referring to Kendal. Please try to make yourself clear, then you won't be misunderstood.

Well, here I go, cutting and pasting again (fully in context as all my quotes have been)
"please calm down and spend more of your time
in threads that make you less excitable..

I dont know how old you are, or the state of your mental health..
but please be aware,
you are continuing to demonstrate that this topic
seems for you to be a trigger for irrationaly fixated obsessive behaviour.."

Well, I'm perfectly calm - I have not seen fit to demonstrate the usual signs of excitement like the continual bad language you use. I simply asked for people to show some tolerance for those they disagree with and you were the one who responded unreasonably. I'm 61 and still in complete control of my faculties - including the ability to communicate without insult.

If replying to your insults in a non-aggressive manner is "irrationaly fixated obsessive behaviour" then so be it. What, I must ask, does it make your replies to me.

That I have taken time to reply to you at all makes me a "silly person", I have no doubt is true - even a very silly person.

However, I'm fascinated, in my silly way, to know how carrying on a two sided conversation makes one of the conversationalists a "stalker". Or is it merely another sign that you cannot cope with people disagreeing with you?

Frank L.