The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77074   Message #1370992
Posted By: TheBigPinkLad
04-Jan-05 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: Slow Food - tomatoes
Subject: BS: Slow Food - tomatoes
One of the designated special crops recognized by the Slow Food movement is the San Marzano tomato from the communes of Sant'Antonio Abate and Santa Maria della Carità (province of Naples). I'd like to get my hands on some seeds. I imagine the authorities would be less than happy to have an international seed exchange going on without their blessing (curcumnavigation of which is what the Slow Food movement is about, partly) but I have a well-proven method for sending seeds through the mail without danger to the local environment. Anyone have access to these tomatoes? (or indeed any interesting-but-not-commercially-profitable crop)