The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77024 Message #1371057
Posted By: GUEST,Noreen
04-Jan-05 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: Touring in UK
Subject: RE: Touring in UK
And I'm not very interested in playing festivals. I play real live unamplified music...
If the two sentences were meant to be connected, as I read it, then you are thinking of something different from our festivals. I sing real live unamplified unaccompanied music, and have a wonderful time all summer singing at festivals, which is why I suggested the idea and provided links so you could find out more.
You'll not do very well by expecting everything over here to be just like home- we don't have front porches to sit on, and I don't know of anyone whose living room is large enough for a house party- it just isn't done over here. In this country if you invite people round for music, you certainly wouldn't charge them, so you'd make nothing there.
Get your head round the suggestions people who know are making!