The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77060   Message #1371113
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Jan-05 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: reasons for not marrying
Subject: RE: BS: reasons for not marrying
I could go on all day about good reasons not to get married... :-) depends entirely on the individual. There are plenty of good reasons TO get married as well.

I'm male, and I have always been attracted to more intelligent women. Unintelligent women hold little interest for me, and I am most definitely not in search of a fulltime housekeeper. I'm okay with doing the housekeeping myself. If it's a shared situation, then I'm okay with splitting it 50/50.

I see no reason to deliver over and sacrifice an important personal relationship of mine to the ruling power structures in society! (those being the government and/or some church) It's none of their danged business. I don't need their approval or their sanction.