The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77052   Message #1371521
Posted By: Franz S.
04-Jan-05 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: What does a mudcatter do in Chapel Hill?
Subject: RE: What does a mudcatter do in Chapel Hill?
Yeah, actually, I've spent some time at the Southern Folklife Collection at UNC and at NC Folklore Society meetings over the years. That's why I'm here at all; my mother was a folklore scholar who brought some archives here and endowed a fellowship in ballad scholarship. So it happens that I know the academic folklorists around here better than the musicians, though I have attended some nice sessions among the former.

Charley, were you with me the night we went to the party at Bascom Lamar Lunsford's house? Tommy Hunter and Obray were 2/3 of the stringband that night; I don't know who played the guitar. Course I didn't even know whose party it was until 35 years later.