The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77060   Message #1371581
Posted By: Bobert
04-Jan-05 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: reasons for not marrying
Subject: RE: BS: reasons for not marrying
First of all, forget what Little Hawk said... He's been watching way too much Doctor Phil... Speakin' of Doctor Phil, what a wimp... His wife comes on the show and he's like "yes mam, no mam"... Like whats all thsat supposed to be about??? Answer me that one, L.H.....

I know exactly why women don't wanta marry men....

They are friggin' men.

Men is some nasty animal. They burp, scratch when ever and where ever they want. They kill each other and, take it from me, God didn't design um' to look too good either... Believe me... I lerant this at an early age taking showers with 'um after gym class. Nasty!

Yup, put my butt in a shower room full of womenz, thank you...

The only thing that most guys (exempt Martin G, DougR and Biskit here) have going fir them is good wiring. Yeah guys think right. Women don't.

Let me give you an example of woman wiring. The dreaded "sale". The woman goes to the department store and buys $200 worth of junk that would have cost $300 if not fir the dreaded "sale"... Now the womanz will come home and tell you that she just saved you $100. Right? This is what I mean about their wirin'... She just cost you $200. Don't take a Wes Ginny Slide Rule to tell ya that yer out a couple hundred bucks...

Hmmm, and why is this thread about why womenz don't wanta marry menz, or is it?

Aww, nevermind...
