The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77074   Message #1371593
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Jan-05 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: Slow Food - tomatoes
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
I should have followed up on my remark about the tomato seeds coming home, but I was at work so kept the remarks brief. It was intended more as an ethical statement than a biological one. Seeds like those of the tomato were taken to the Old World and though I think it took Europeans a while to eat tomatoes (so the colonizer's legend goes--I'll have to do some research if someone here doesn't know--is the Tomatoes-might-be-poison-to-we-Europeans-who-found-these-seeds-in-the-New-World Legend for real? I have a book called Green Immigrants that I think talks about it. Anyway, seeds were one of the most highly prized and top-secret items that went back to Yerp from the New World explorations. Hidden away and grown surreptitiously in monasteries and by the privileged few who could get them. It's only fitting that you should be able to smuggle some out of the monastery to bring back and grow here.