The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77135   Message #1372523
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
05-Jan-05 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: I Am a Rover (MacColl)
Subject: RE: lyr.requ. I`am a rover, MacColl
Konrad, you ought to use the search box in the right hand top corner! If you enter the title or any phrase from the song (as titles can be deceptive), it will come up with the lyrics' location in the DT (if the song is in the DT which 'I'm a rover' is bound to be) and of threads where the phrase can be found. That way re-posting lyrics which are already in the DT and overload of Mudcat space can be avoided.

Also, you may consider becoming a member (free, but enables you e.g. to post other members individually), and also reading through the FAQ thread which shows up in the search box at the top if you go back to the threadlist. It contains a lot of info that will help you to find your way around and allow you to make full use of the Mudcat facilities.

BTW, why do you say 'I'm A Rover' is in the Scottish accent? Do you have Alex Campbell's recording rather than The Dubliners'?

Anyway, good luck to you and I hope you'll stay with us!