The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77087   Message #1372546
Posted By: Firecat
05-Jan-05 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: Firecat makes 21!
Subject: RE: Firecat makes 21!
Thank you everyone who's posted! I've had a fantastic day, and I'm going to have MORE fun on Saturday cos I'm going bowling!

I went to The Schoolboy and had a very nice meal with Mum, Dad, and my two best friends, Stacey and Becky. There are LOTS of photos, but i'm not sure if I'm going to put them on the Cat. They're not digital though, so don't hold your breath!

And a major thank you goes to Waterdragon who provided one of her famous "three hics to the slice" cakes! It is totally delicious but extremely dangerous to drive after eating a slice!!