The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77060   Message #1372956
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Jan-05 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: reasons for not marrying
Subject: RE: BS: reasons for not marrying

I think people in conventional society get married mostly for these reasons:

1. It's a social custom they are used to.
2. It's a social expectation they are under.
3. Other people (like their parents) brainwash them into thinking it's the only normal (and happy) way to be. Not so.
4. Other people pressure them into it.
5. Churches pressure them into it.
6. They figure it'll make them happy.
7. They (often) see financial gains and material and emtional security in the institution. This can turn out to be a bit misleading, to say the least...

They are obeying outward forms, but not grasping inner realities, because this is what marriage TRULY IS:

Marriage is a soul bond between 2 people who want to be together on an exclusive basis of intimicacy, and to share the joys, difficulties and challenges of Life together in a sacred way. That requires no ceremony, no religion, no government, no piece of paper, no priest, no judge, and no one else's approval whatsoever. It just requires an inner committment of the mind, heart, and souls of those two people that is continuing and sincere.

The inner bond of souls is true marriage. The outer trappings are appearance only, and often cover up something that is NOT true marriage.

People are mostly too inattentive and lazy to bother looking very far beyond mere outer appearances (as long as they're still in their comfort zone). The majority of legal marriages are, in fact, NOT true marriages in the inner sense. They are quasi-marriages, half-marriages, and in many cases, total non-marriages.

I have explained what the REAL reasons are for marrying, and I applaud anyone who actualizes them, with or without the legalities and ceremonies sanctioned by church and society. Let those who actually have eyes to see see what is true by looking beyond surface appearances to the heart and soul within.