The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77112   Message #1373305
Posted By: Bobert
06-Jan-05 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who the heck is 'Doctor Phil'???
Subject: RE: BS: Who the heck is 'Doctor Phil'???
Now wait just a minute there, L-Hawk... I din't start this danged thread...

(Go back and check, Bobert.)

Like I said, I din't start this danged thread an' I don't recall ever accusin' you of Dr. Philism in any thread...

The only thing you have in common with Dr. Phil is you are both nuts. Other than that? Nada, pal...

Now say yer sorry and, fir gosh sakes, don't start no more threads about tv personalities 'cause they'll all purdy much end up like this thread... Think crapper here...
