The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77092   Message #1374130
Posted By: Auggie
07-Jan-05 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Useless Trivia
Subject: RE: BS: Useless Trivia
One of my many useless trivia stories

It's 1877, in Germany.
Otto von Bismark is a conservative statesman and politician, known for (among other things) his observation to the effect that "it is better that men do not know how their laws or sausages are made".

Rudolph Virchow is a famous physician and also a very liberal social reform politician who served in the opposite party to Bismark in the Reichstag (German Parliment).
Virchow wanted a law passed requiring the examination of slaughtered hogs for trichinosis parasites. Bismark opposed and, eventually becoming enraged at Virchow's legislative tactics, challenged him to a duel.

As custom dictated, Virchow had his choice of weapons. He knew Bismark to be big, strong, an accomplished swordsman and a deadly shot. But, being a sly,clever and crafty science nerd he choose to duel by eating sausages, one of which would be identified as being loaded with deadly trichinosis germs. Since Bismark would get to choose first, and given his public scorn of trichinosis, he would be forced to eat the infected one-or be ridiculed.

Bismark wisely withdrew his challenge and in 1878 a bill requiring meat inspection passed.

Now, aren't you glad I didn't get on this thread earlier?