The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17022   Message #1374152
Posted By: Jimmy Twitcher
07-Jan-05 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: Where's Fennario?
Subject: RE: Where's Fennario?
Well, I know this is a little late, but:

Dick Greenhaus: surely you mean "used for "The Constitition and the Gurriere" as well as "The Chesapeake and the Shannon" early in the eighteenth century."

Lets not forget which was the original, and which was the spite-filled, happy-that-they-finally-won-a-frigate-duel-after-several-years-of-trying parody.

(I kid! I kid!) It is interesting, though, that "The Constitution and the Gurriere" is nearly lost here, but from what I can tell, "The Chesapeak and the Shannon" appears to be alive and well over the water. That's too bad, because they are both great songs.