The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77112   Message #1374367
Posted By: LadyJean
08-Jan-05 - 12:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who the heck is 'Doctor Phil'???
Subject: RE: BS: Who the heck is 'Doctor Phil'???
I am of the opinion that most psychiatrists and psychologists are frauds, and the ones who aren't don't do any good, they just think they do. Dr. Phil is a big, charming man, who peddles psychological snake oil. He would have made a good salesman. The fast talk, the aggressive style, and supreme egotism, would have moved a lot of any product he cared to push. It's a rotten shame he didn't take up selling real estate, or used cars, or Amway products. He would have made almost as much money, and he wouldn't have done half as much harm.
I heard that Oprah Winfrey was supposed to be named Orphah. I had a great aunt named Orphah, so I remember. (We called her Aunty Feathers.)
He makes a specialty of dealing with parents who lose their tempers with their children. I'll bet those poor kids catch hell for months after their parents have a session with Dr. Phi.