The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77194   Message #1375559
Posted By: Alice
09-Jan-05 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
Look for a meeting near you of Democracy for America, usually the first Wednesday of each month. You can find the meetings at

Here is part of Gov. Dean's latest letter:
We are engaged in another kind of rebuilding here at home -- rebuilding our
party, our democracy and our sense of community. At stake in the coming
year is nothing less than what kind of society we will be. And to shape
America we have to start locally.

Join us at 7 PM tonight [that was Jan 5th] in your community for the Democracy for America

This month your local group will present a special DVD from Professor George Lakoff, who is fast becoming one of the most
influential thinkers in the progressive movement.

His work has helped us understand how conservatives use language to reinforce their positions. Take, for example, when
corporate elites set their sites on repealing the estate tax, which only affects a few thousand people with multimillion-dollar estates.
They coined the phrase "death tax" in order to bamboozle ordinary non-millionaires into supporting the repeal.

Conservative politicians and Fox News anchors simply stopped calling it the estate tax and adopted the new phrase. Soon
Democrats were calling it the "death tax", too -- even as they tried to explain why it should stay on the books (so that massive
wealth doesn't become permanently concentrated in the hands of just a few).

In order to rebuild our party and communicate our values, we have to understand how the other side works and avoid this kind of
trap. [The January meetup] DVD will spark a discussion at your Meetup -- and the lessons learned will be crucial to our success. Please join us...

Providing disaster relief abroad and rebuilding community at home are complex, long-term projects. But we all have a
responsibility to one another -- and they can only happen with your active engagement.

Thank you.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.