The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77262   Message #1376048
Posted By: GUEST,Reggie Miles
10-Jan-05 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: unscrupulous promoters
Subject: RE: unscrupulous promoters
I guess it's every performer's fantasy to have someone come along who has an interest in their talent and is willing to help out with those aspects of the business that can be challenging or otherwise illusive. When that "someone" also offers their help for free, as this guy did, it can give your ego a little boost and get you thinking that finally things are on the right track. Like all those happy endings you see in the movies, you start to allow yourself the luxury of giving in to the dream, just a little, that everything you've worked so hard for all those years is finally going to pay off and turn out as you secretly hoped, better.

I don't know if you've heard my song F-R-E-E. It's all about those who would use the word and/or idea to ensnare the unwary. It's on my latest CD "Fresh Picked" and the words are posted on my Songs page at my website at Geocities.

I'll save you the click.

F-R-E-E   Reggie Miles © 2004

Four letter words don't bother me,
Except the one that's spelled f-r-e-e.
It's not that I mind when people use it.
It's just that some folks like to abuse it.

Like the guy on the phone the other day,
Who had free airline tickets to give away,
And they came with a complimentary hotel stay.
I asked, "What's the catch?" Here's what he had to say.

"You'll be flying fourth class on your trip through the sky.
You'll have to cover any taxes and fees that apply.
And your meals will cost extra in this situation."
So, I hung up the phone on our conversation.

And started singin'

Four letter words don't bother me,
Except the one that's spelled f-r-e-e.
It's not that I mind when people use it.
It's just that some folks love to abuse it.

Then I received an email spam.
"Free, millions of dollars!" It began.
"Follow my instructions. Read my book.
It won't cost you a dime to take a look."

"Just send me your credit card information,
And some additional documentation,
A Social Security number, a picture I.D.,
And fill out this 895 page questionnaire for me."

"I'll need your phone number, your passport too,
Your fingerprints, or a retina scan will do.
A notarized copy of your birth certificate,
And don't forget to send it in triplicate."

Well, I just started singin'

Four letter words don't bother me,
Except the one that's spelled f-r-e-e.
It's not that I mind when people use it.
It's just that some folks always abuse it.

Then a notice came, special delivery.
You've won a house make over, absolutely free.
Well scrape and we'll paint your entire abode.
I knew that I should've said, "Hit the road!"

But the house needed paint so I said, "Okay."
And before I knew it, it was house paintin' day.
They came and they painted all the daylong.
But before it was finished, they'd packed up and gone.

So there I was left with a half painted house,
And an aching back, and an angry spouse.
And now 24 months later, it still isn't done.
Painting a house just ain't much fun.

So, I started singin'

Four letter words don't bother me,
Except the one that's spelled f-r-e-e.
It's not that I mind when people use it.
It's just that some folks are bound and determined to abuse it.

Here in the home of the brave and the land of the free,
We spell freedom F-R-double-E-D-U-M-B.
Unchecked government spending keeps raising our taxes.
And we keep right on electing the same evil axis.

What a fine example, to all would be thieves,
How we exploit the weak to feed our greed.
Twisting the meaning of freedom for all to see,
Here in the home of the brave and the land of the free.

That's why I'm singin'

Four letter words don't bother me,
Except the one that's spelled f-r-e-e.
It's not that I mind when people use it.
It's just that some folks never learned how.

So, if you've got a free offer, don't darken my door.
Don't bother emailing or calling no more.
Don't waste your breath trying to con-vince me.
That anything's worth having if it's F-R-E-E.

You can keep your free bargains and your two for one deals,
On software, or hardware, on drinks, or on meals.
I don't want your free CDs, your free debt reduction.
You can keep your free books, and free website seduction.

Take me off your callback list. Just let me be.
There's nothing you have that I'm wanting, you see.
One last piece of advice, and it's free from me.
You get what you pay for, and more than you bargain for,
When it's F-R-E-E.

Four letter words don't bother me,
Except the one that's spelled f-r-e-e.
It's not that I mind people usin' it.
It's just the ones that are always abusin' it.

I guess after writing a song with this subject matter you'd think I would have been immune to the effects of such an offer.

All of those lofty hopes and dreams of more success can easily cloud one's vision. We can end up being blinded by our own hopes for something better in the future instead of being content with where we are and what we've got.