The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77248   Message #1376377
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
10-Jan-05 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Root Canal - Second Installment
Subject: RE: BS: Root Canal - Second Installment
I am back from session #2 and am glad to report that all went well. No pain at all after the novocaine wore off. Next Monday we fill the canal with rubber. The following Monday, we clean out a cavity in the #2 tooth. (He is presently doing the #3 tooth.) If it extends into the pulp we begin root canal on that one as well. Afterwards its back to me regular dentist for the restoration. If the cavity in the #2 tooth has not extended into the pulp he will put in a temporary filling with a sedative lining and then have my regular dentist do the permanent filling. Either way, the money goes quickly.

                                              SOL ZELLER