The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77207   Message #1376811
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Jan-05 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Insanity: Amos or Martin Gibson?....
Subject: RE: BS: Insanity: Amos or Martin Gibson?....
And...achieving Oneness is not to become non-existent, it is to become existent in a far fuller sense of the word. It is to become existent with expanded awareness...while still functioning as a unique expression in manifestation.

I can play "Hamlet" in the Earthly play if I want to...and yet become aware that I am not just "Hamlet". I am the actor, and I will still be the actor after Hamlet is dead and the play has ended!

Most people lose themselves in the part. They become convinced that they ARE Hamlet or Ophelia or Rosencrantz, etc...and get caught in the emotional dramas of fear, excitement, ambition, tragedy, despair, conceit, jealousy, desire, lust, romance, revenge, and so on.

Emotional dramas can become very convincing, very entertaining, to the point where they completely devour the participant...who forgets that he is in fact an actor playing a part, and he will not die in the play nor will he lose his love or his reputation.

Martin Gibson's part in the drama is quite interesting, and often very amusing to me. To some people, it's just bloody annoying. But look at the zest he gives to the part! Amos's part is far more likable by most people's standards. I think they are both playing parts which have considerable merit.