The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77132   Message #1376839
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
11-Jan-05 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time Magazine's Person of the Year 2004
Subject: RE: BS: Time Magazine's Person of the Year 2004
I thought Bill Clinton was a traitor to our coutry for giving China our Nuclear secrets.   I thought he was a theif for illegal fund raising and bad pardons.   I thought he was a liar and immoral. I thought his foreign policy endangered our country with Sadaam, Al Queda, and North Korea.

Nevertheless, we survived and moved on.    The greatness of our system is that the people decide.    There is no point in obsessing and looking mean spirited and foolish.   Work to persuade people and get your candidates elected.

Amos is a bright guy- some of his older posts brilliant.   It is sad that he is obsessed with Bush.   He does nothing for his cause in his posts.   I could make the exact same case about how bad Hillary Clinton is.   It would serve no point.   I want Rudy to kick her ass in the senate race in 06 or Rudy, Condi, McCain, Colin, or jeb to kick her ass in the race for president in 08.    The last think I want to do is become as obsessively depressing as Amos.