The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77132   Message #1376869
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
11-Jan-05 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time Magazine's Person of the Year 2004
Subject: RE: BS: Time Magazine's Person of the Year 2004
"The last think I want to do is become as obsessively depressing as Amos."

i don't find amos depressing at all. i find him concerned about his country and countrymen who are dying for an emporer's hubris. the only reason you, larryK, dougR, and your ilk find him depressing is because you disagree with his opinion and choose to attack his person rather than his ideas. i believe that that's because you're too lazy, partisan and close-minded to even read or consider his sources for his statements, but, of course, that's only MY opinion. does that make me depressing to you? should i consider treatment? actually, i find YOUR partisanship depressing. maybe you should consider counseling. or maybe you should stick to the issues under discussion rather than make personal attacks.
i hardly find it meanspirited or foolish that a person would care that our people are dying for a cause that will prove to be as useless and sad as the 50,000 plus that died in vietnam.