The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77145   Message #1377026
Posted By: GUEST,Harmoni
11-Jan-05 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vasectomy or not?
Subject: RE: BS: Vasectomy or not?
Both operations (vasectomy and tubal ligation) are reversible. With tubal ligation it depends on how the tubes are "tied"--if they're cauterized (like I had done) then it's much more difficult to get that procedure reversed because of the amount of scar tissue that develops as a result. If the tubes are stapled however, the procedure is easier; some scar tissue is present but far less than if they're cauterized.

Tubal ligation is also more complicated; general anesthetic, I couldn't walk down the hallway with out being helped for 2 days, was off work for 3 days and had a swollen abdomen for at least a week.

The upside of this however, is worry-free bedroom festivities with my beloved!

Complications are rare for both operations but of course...we always hear about the operations that went bad, right?

Do your research, go to a doctor that is well recommended, donate some sperm if there's a concern about fathering some youngins later on in life, but do what is right for YOU.