The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76854   Message #1377096
Posted By: breezy
11-Jan-05 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: Bull at Barton Beds
Subject: RE: Bull at Barton Beds
pity you didnt catch Thorn and Roses somewhere, as well as Nick and Hannah Harris.

You mean people turned up to see L n T ,was that because it was free?

When they were booked at the ill fated 'Benny's' in Luton , before Christmas noone showed, they got paid to walk, benny's is now no more. guess if thats their pulling power then club organisers have to got to think very carefully.

Derek Brimstone has sound advice for budding organisers.

Kevin Buxton on Friday , Pat Crilly on Sunday 2 very exciting singer songwriters well worth catching up with , you may be interested in em for later, its homework time, research must not be neglected.

see ya soon dud