The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77314   Message #1377817
Posted By: Bill D
12-Jan-05 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oops (No WMDs in Iraq)
Subject: RE: BS: Oops
"The US and the world are safer now with Saddam out of power" is the mantra, repeated AGAIN today.

Nonsense! We are MUCH more likely to be attacked from more directions now that we (Bush) have stirred up this hornets nest...and we are many billions of dollars poorwith no end in sight. Generals are speaking out, saying we are stretching the military to the limit trying to fight an almost invisible enemy in Iraq. We have few real friends and LOTS more enemies, and National Guard troops on the 3rd rotation.

better safe than sorry? crap! Better be SURE before we go chasing will-o-the-wisps in the sand again!