The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77310   Message #1377983
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
13-Jan-05 - 02:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq election unique in the extreme
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq election unique in the extreme
"Donuel: do you make these things up, or what?"

it looks like he cited CNN as a source for the quote for you reading-challenged folks out there.

"When did George Bush make it known that America plans to control the world? In a speech? If so, be good enough to direct me to the text."

Duhhhh, no, there's no speech where he says "i, georgedubyabush, am taking over the world!"but people with critical thinking abilties can look at the actions taken under his administration to take control of a portion of the world that holds the largest reserves of the most wanted natural resource going and connect a few dots.

"Proof that the current PM of Iraq was a former CIA operative would be helpful too."

there have been numerous reports on this since before he was installed. i know it's tough for you to believe anything but fox news with it's oh-so-high ratings (which prove its veracity, of course) but try getting on google and putting in "ayad allawi+ CIA" and you'll find full reports from many news organizations.