The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77331   Message #1378350
Posted By: Peace
13-Jan-05 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: i am the talk of the town
Subject: RE: BS: i am the talk of the town
Dear GUEST Petra,

I went through a divorce a while back. I never told my 'side' of the story--and I never will. My ex confided her side of things to a girlfriend of hers who told a girlfriend of hers, etc. Soon, I was on everyone's shit list. When things settled down and people could see that maybe I wasn't totally to blame (there was no abuse, cheating or crap like that involved) they began to approach me to 'make up'. Basically, I told them individually and politely that I'd sooner drink liquid shit that speak with any of them, and it remains so to this day. Sometimes ya just gotta suck it up and ignore people. Do that. Brace a few who have to 'tell you' what your ex is upto. Besides, you have a boyfriend of your own, so what do your ex's activities have to do with you anymore anyway? Ignore them and move on.