The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17748   Message #1379177
Posted By: GUEST,Pops
14-Jan-05 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: Right hand help /fingerstyle
Subject: RE: Right hand help /fingerstyle
Hi all - Been thumping a guitar since I was a kid (many many yrs ago) and just recently started (trying) to learn "Fingerstyle" - Total thumb and finger independence - Beeen trying about 6 weeks with little to no results - Does anyone out there have a proven method of learning this style??? - I have been told many things and have read much material on the subject - Everyone seems to have a different approach to learning this style - Isn't there a PROVEN method to learn this difficult style of playing - Some say practice ONLY WITH THE THUMB - (alternating bass) until you can put some melody notes in WITHOUT interrupting the bass groove - I've been trying that for several weeks now - no results - as soon as I attempt to put a few melody notes in - BOOM - the thumb gets all wacked and doesn't know what to do - Maybe I'm expecting too much too soon ??? Does anyone know the normal amount of time to learn this style (I'm old - but still buying green bananas) - Don't have a lot of years left - Sure would appreciate someone helping me - I can play patterns using both the fingers and the thumb - BUT - most songs don't follow a set pattern - so I don't see the benefit in pattern playing ??? right or wrong ??? Help Help Help - Thanking all in advance - (Can't find the answer on the internet either) - Thx again -

Fingerpicker - want-a-be - Pops (Practicing about 2 hrs per day)