The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77076   Message #1379309
Posted By: The Shambles
15-Jan-05 - 02:35 AM
Thread Name: Obit - Samuel Smiths and LIVE music
Subject: RE: Obit - Samuel Smiths and LIVE music
If some folk do not like live music in their pubs - they currently have a choice - for there are many at the moment that do not have any. It would be nice to still have that choice.

There is little point for all concerned in taking away this choice but that is what is happening, and partly by making the provision of live music more unlikely by making the overall pub running costs more expensive.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a situation where all pubs were automatically made safe for the public and able to safely stage small-scale music without first needing the various permissions - (and for all those other bodies to have a piece of the action). And if all pubs COULD provide their customers with what they wanted and it was a matter left for individual licensees if wished to provide it?

Wouldn't it be nice if our Government recognised that any increase in overall pub running costs is unlikely to provide an increase in the provision of live music and addressed it? Instead of blindly still maintaining that the new Licensing Act 2003 - will increase opportunities for live music.

PPS/PPL seem to have recognised this by putting up their fees for the remainder of pubs who will choose to apply for permission to provide regulated entertainment. taking the view no doubt - that in order to stand-still - they need to increase the revenue as there will be less pubs paying their fees.

This move has simply further discouraged this pub chain from providing any music in its pubs - I am sure that others will follow - if the issue is not addressed?