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Thread #77112   Message #1380466
Posted By: Dewey
17-Jan-05 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who the heck is 'Doctor Phil'???
Subject: RE: BS: Who the heck is 'Doctor Phil'???
My favorite Dr. Phil quote (which I keep in my favor quotations diary) is the following.


You can also take Dr. Phil's "Get Real Course" a self improvement seminar.

Dr. Phil rightly believes people don't get ahead in life because of their "pie in the sky" fantasies and, also their inability to obtain self-disciplinary, foward moving actions, needed to resolve those problems.

He stresses a strong work ethic, starting from scratch and moving foward from where you currently are in life, and most importantly, not blaming others for your problems, or depending on them to solve your problems.

Basically he has a common sense, face life for what it is, approach to developmental long-term success.

The show is stupid however, with a lot of ego-centered put downs by the Doctor toward the less enlightened (dare I say stupid) Guests that agree to come on the program to intentionally get hammered. These people obviously have problems and the good doctor exploits them for entertainment purposes and to promote his sense of self importance.

Dr. Phil has had some wacky products for dieting too, that never worked out so well (1.e. being in-accurate in their claims and purposes)

His quotations and semimars would be more credible if it were't for the gladiator style productions he makes (on television) out of his guests (victims) and their "problems"

Personally I wouldn't want to go on a nationally televised program just to have the good Doctor rake me over the coals in front of millions.

Not that I couldn't use such advise from one like him, now and then.

(actually NOW,.... now that I think about it!)

But I'll chose my consultation in a private, not in front of an entire nation for the sake of scrutiny!

P.S. in reguards to Sesame street it is not politically correct, as it does not adopt whole language, but is based on the taxonomic liguistic hierachy (bottom up method to reading/learning rather than top down intergrated model)

Sesame street is a bit Dick and Jane-ish: and assumes the child is a complete idiot; he/she has to learn all the letters, procede to the words, concepts etc. to be accepted as a learner.

Works great in the world of re-medial reading (which some kids do need) but there is far more color to education that just knowing the fundamental facts; and, in general it is a very un-imaginative show. It is probably more for the liking of the Ward and June Clever's of the world (if any are still around and alive to appreciate its telecast :-)

The show is a very safe and structured format, but a little on the boring side for the imaginative and un-traditional.


(un-employed school teacher, pizza boy, with a bright new "get real" attitude for the future)