The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77310   Message #1380831
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
17-Jan-05 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq election unique in the extreme
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq election unique in the extreme
The so-called "election" in Iraq is not possible. It will not be the "will of the people". It might be skewed in fraud as was the one in Afghanistan despite the fact that Karzai would have probably won legally anyway but Bush had to have it won n time for his election.

The poster showing a candidate with the Statue of Liberty in the background will go over like feather in a monsoon.

It's not just a matter of the Sunnis but the fact that the shots are being called by the occupiers, not the people themselves.

There may be a "show" of an election but it will not be accepted by the majority of the Iraqi people as valid. The so-called interim government is not equipped to do anything but foster a Bush party-line.

Allawi is a "strong man". Once again, a failed policy of supporting another dictator by the Neo-cons is evident.

Now Bush says that we shouldn't take this "election" too seriously.

No WMD's. No serious election. No exit strategy. No military support for the existing troops. No money for any of the programs he promised. But his inauguration will cost plenty and Washington DC will pay for it out of their Homeland Security budget.

He wants to spend his "political capital" which translates to taxpayer money for his extravagance.

For the working poor in this country, "Let 'em eat cake".
