The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63751   Message #1380855
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
17-Jan-05 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Not Hating One's Enemies
Subject: RE: BS: On Not Hating One's Enemies
Guest, Paul Wellstone is a hero of mine. His book, The Conscience of a Liberal should be required reading for every political science and civics class in the country. It was a brilliant answer to Barry Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative. Wellstone outlined a powerful agenda for liberals everywhere and his legacy is with us in these times.

Anger has to be channelled. Hatred becomes an incapacitating response but there can be no illusions about what the Neo-cons are about. They want to have a single Party system in this country (very fascist) and destroy the liberal view. This will be impossible since most of the country agrees with much of the liberal viewpoint although some have been brainwashed to demonize what they think of as liberals. Liberals don't generally drive fancy cars as Paul Wellstone showed us. He traveled in a beat-up bus to talk to the people. He was about love and meeting the needs of the American people through public service. He was a man of conviction and carried this into his campaign. In short, he gave politics a good name.

Nowadays we have a conciliatory and cowardly DLC that threatens the demise of the Democratic Party. Wellstone and Dean represent the true Democrats. Also Micheal Moore and Move On.

We intend to turn our anger into action. It's the anger at injustice by a cold, heartless Administration and I for one want Bush to be alive and well enough to stand trial for his misdeeds. We can indict him at the polling booth once we reform the electoral system that is being co-opted by fraud and cheating through black boxes and state voting irregularities which disenfranchise
Black Americans. If Martin Luther King were alive, he would have marched in Ohio and Florida to protect our voting rights.

Paul Wellstone did not leave us a legacy of hate, but was a beacon and model for what we must do next, reclaim America through our moral values.
Care for our children providing them with health insurance and a good public education regardless of whether they're rich or poor. Care for our elderly by not allowing their Social Security to be stolen. Care for our land keeping it secure from the rape of corporate polluters. Care for our young men and women in the service by bringing them home and keeping them out of harms way. Care for our Democracy by returning the political power to the people from the hands of wealthy corporate fat cats. Care for our working class by instituting unions that protect them. Care for our legal protectors who keep our citizens safe from irresponsible pharmaceutical payoffs to the FDA and those who jeapardize the health of employees.

Take back our Democracy. Channel that anger and use it for justice and fairness. That's what Paul Wellstone was about.
