The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67024   Message #1381000
Posted By: GUEST
17-Jan-05 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: Kate Rusby Overkill
Subject: RE: Kate Rusby Overkill
This is what the body of your post will look like:
Umm I just stumbled across this thread and this is really only ancedotal evidence here from my guitarist and a few young friends from Sidmouth...

Firstly, I listen to Kate Rusby, I sing songs from her albums and I do enjoy her performances- I think its great that somebody is getting media coverage and drawing attention to folk and the more people that happens to the better but as far as Kate Rusby being nice...

well my guitarist was support band for her a couple of years ago - she wouldn't use their PA, wouldnt allow them to use hers making a big fuss and a long changeover with gear halfway through and she was most discourteous to them with a very superior attitude which they were genuinley shocked at. She has also been quite curt with a few of the teenage sidmouth crowd. When they complimented her on the set and asked some trivial detail about I tune (a key it was in or a chord or something like that) they were told to F off (bearing in mind they were all 16 and under I felt this was a little harsh)

So yes, its good to get people interested in folk music by drawing in people that might not otherwise have got into it and encouraging younger performers too - but lets hope they keep their feet on the ground and dont give us younger folkies a reputation for bad behaviour nor set an example for others to follow.

Hope that didnt sound too much like a moan at Kate in particular as Im sure we all have our bad days and those instances might not have been the norm.