The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77412   Message #1381185
Posted By: Joe Offer
18-Jan-05 - 01:15 AM
Thread Name: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
Subject: Index: Canciones de Nuestra Cabaña (Girl Scouts)
I think Canciones de Nuestra Cabaña is still in print. It's quite different from the French one. I picked one up at our local Girl Scout office about five years ago. Here's the index.

Canciones de Nuestra Cabaña
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, 1980
(Compiled by Hettie G. Smith)

A Grace
A la Puerto del Cielo
Alabemos al Señor
All Night, All Day
Alleluia Amen
At the Gate of Heaven
Auld Lang Syne
Australian Hiking Song

Bamboo Fiah
Benedicamus Domino
Bon Appetit
Buon Giorno

Camp Grace
Camp-fire Opening (Australia)
Canción Alegre del Navajo
Canción de Nuestra Cabaña
Canción de Nuestro Chalet (words only)
Canción del Campamento
Canción Mundial (words only)
Canción sin Letra
Cielito Lindo
Click Go the Shears

De-ci, De-là, Semons la Joie
Dc Colores
Dios ha Creado Este Dia
Dona Nobis Pacem

El Canto de la Promesa
El Coqui
El Tortillero
El Tren

For Health and Strength

Girl Scouts Together
Go Well and Safely
God Has Created a New Day
Guias Unidas

Haere Mai
Hambani Kahle
Hello! Hello!
Herr, Bleibe Bei Uns
Hevenu Shalom Aleichem
Hey, Hey, Hey, Jubilee Hey
Himno Guia

I Let Her Go, Go
I Listen and I Listen
I'm a Dandy
Ira Congo
It's a Small World

Jamaica Farewell
Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head
Johnny Appleseed
Jubilate, Deo

Kom Mee Naar Buiten

La Llorona
La Palomita
La Piñata
La Sanjuanerita
Land of the Silver Birch
Las Mañanitas
Les Cathédrales Francaises
Lili Gal
Linstead Market
Lord, Let Thy Light So Shine
Los Maizales
Los Pastores a Belén
Los Pollitos
Love Is Come Again
Lullaby Baby
Lullaby from Valencia

Make New Friends
May God Supply the Wants of My Brother
Merci, Seigneur
Mi Chacra
Morning Is Here

Navajo Happy Song

O Lé Lé O Bahia
Old Gaelic Melody
Our Chalet Song (words only)

Pokare Kare
Por Ia Vereda
¿Por qué Perder Las Esperanzas?
Posada 1—Mientras se Camina de una Estación a Otra (While
Walking from One Station to the Other)
Posada 2—Para Pedir Posada (Asking for Shelter)
Posada 3—Entren Santos Peregri nos (Enter Holy Pilgrims)
Préndete Llama


Rise Up, O Flame
Rondo de las Estaciónes
Rosen fra Fyn
Running Game

Sangam Song
Shalom Chaverim
Slumber, Slumber
Song Without Words
Sussex Camp-fire Opening
Swinging Along

Te Damos Gracias
The Golden Oriole
The World Song (words only)
Today Is a New Day
Tutu Marambá

Vem Kan Segla?
Viva Leon

Wayfarers Grace
When I Needed a Neighbour
Why Shouldn't My Goose?
World Hunger Grace

Ya es Ia Hora
Yellow Bird

Zulu Lullaby
Zulu Parting Song
Zum Gali Gali

I gather from the book that there is an actual Cabaña - in Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Apparently, "Canciones" is no longer available. I checked, and here are the books they have for sale: