The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63751   Message #1381188
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Jan-05 - 01:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Not Hating One's Enemies
Subject: RE: BS: On Not Hating One's Enemies
That's an interesting notion, Michelle, and there may be a great deal of truth in it. Hatred is often a reaction to the sense that love has been denied. In other words, people hate it when their dearest expectations are not met. The path of enlightenment involves, among other things, doing away with the whole concept of expectations and learning acceptance of what IS rather than longing for what only MAY be. That seems impossible to most people, and is a very, very hard thing to do, for sure.

I think 2 things can cause hatred. 1. the sense that love has been denied or betrayed...and/or 2. extreme fear. But that which knows it cannot die (or even be damaged), does not fear.