The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63751   Message #1381237
Posted By: Dewey
18-Jan-05 - 03:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Not Hating One's Enemies
Subject: RE: BS: On Not Hating One's Enemies
If you go through you life thinking that everyone that disagrees with your position politically is an ENEMY, you weaken yourself. Whatever divides us weakens us. Politics is very divisive because people have closeds mind on the subjects before they even get started.

The subject of poltics for example isn't quite that serious for me (LOL) though I have voiced my opinion before here and had to shut up by those that thought themselves tolerant, that SAY they want to love their enemies, but in reality can't stand their gutts for daring to disagree.

Good Grief its bad enough that many see those that dis-agree with them as enemies, not alone the fact that they are having a difficult time loving their "enemies",

And they say WE conservatives are the ones that are intolerant, Those that take Politics it too serious, only weaken themselves. President Clinton understood this which was why he was such a Giant of a politician and genius. You have to admit this is true reguardless of your political persuasion.

As for the Wellstone family, their wonderful legacy of caring for the community is going to be overlooked by their partisanly making fools out of themselve by villifying everyone politically that they thought was different from their own liking.

The way the Wellstone memorial service turned into a political rally just went to show the Wellstone's were more "enemy oriented" than thir so called "enemies"

Booing Trent Lott, who was decent enough to take some time out of his day to honor Mr. Wellstone's memory and service to the country was unfair; as was talking about Political races during the memorial service itself.

This was not only, a dishonor to Mr. Wellstone, but to the State that elected him. It didn't even give the Rest of the Conservative Minnesotans a chance to honor his memory.

I am conservative myself, and though I would probably not have voted for Mr. Wellstone even if I had lived in Minnesota. I would have definitely liked to have had an un-biased oppportunity to pay homage to this wonderful human being without the divisive backlash of those who think one has to be a liberal (not just an American) to appreciate this representative who by the way represented us ALL reguardless of political persuasion.

Like Governor Vertura said at the time, We were "Shamed and Duked" (the citizenry that is, by the intolerance of those who claim to have so much of it).

I face this condescending, non-inclusive, non-open-mindedness rubbish on mudcat all the time. The other person (usually Conservative) is always wrong and the enemy. Having strong beliefs in politics is one thing, but ALWAYS being right is ALSO WRONG, and so is having so called "enemies" merely because one disagrees and is working in opposition to your un-inclusive plans.

Optimistic people find common ground and learn from others and very often if they do not change their opinions poltical or otherwise, they can accept the other person's opinion or at least work around it somewhat for the beneficial good of all involved.

I wish this tribal mentality of "enemies" on Mudcat was desolved, it does so little good and diverts us from the common good of what is beneficial, that is each other. Politics is mass histeria just like Religion can be and effects clarity of mind, decision and purpose, which is why the politicians love and use it so much.

I have no hard time admitting this myself and I know of some liberal issues and causes that have changed my conservative opinion on various issues, but I can't hardly, or seldom do, learn anything.... if I think the other person is always the one in the wrong and. "Dangerous" based on my pre-concieved notions of the world.

Sure Limbaugh says some dumb things that can un-knowingly spur hateful acts. But then again so does/did Malcolm X, Louis Farakan etc. And, I don't judge the whole movement of a politcal party based on a few rabble-rousers in one persusion of another, Such persons are not inclusive of any one party whether the Repulican party or not, there are rabble rousers in Libertarians, Conservatives, Socialists, Democrats etc..

THE ONLY ENEMY I HATE IS RELIGIOUS AND POLITCAL INTOLERANCE. (possibly I think the guest may have a little bit of this :-)

I don't hate anybody, I get annoyed however by the vast amount of intolerance on the mudcat over things that really don't matter. People and their progress as citizens is more important than individual ways in which we all see the world.

Whether through organized religion or politics. Anything that divides us is not of a spritual, creative, everlasting, benefit to the progress of mankind.

Not to hurt your feelings Guest...but, this would indeed include the Wellstone rally.

Wellstone was far ahead in the polls, even after his death when Mondale took over. However, it is my opinion (and it still it JUST my opinion) that his divisive rally didn't win him any swing votes, i.e. open-minded conservative that otherwise might have voted for him. He (Mondale after much cockiness and bragging) in fact lost voters that he once most likely had (prior to the Wellstone family speech) and went on to LOSE the election in droves.

When Jesus said. "Love you enemies" he meant to look beyond them and and their current state of affair and faults and see the Good that is within them from outside of your own self-imposed ego.

When Jesus walked into a room his very presents would light up the room, he radiated with energy and love, and he certainly could not have had some love towards others in this manner if he viewed himeself as seperate, different and an ENEMY of them. You can't give away something that you don't already posess yourself.

So let's stop hating people over their politics and religion, this is far worse of US than it is of the particular religion/politics in which they practice! After all politcs and religion doesn't really effect us and our world as much as we THINK it does, and if it does it is becasue of our tribal mentality. Who we are as INDIVIDUALS is far more important than the so-called, leadership that represents us.

Great moments that effected human civilization since the beginning of time always came from the bottom up, not from the so called leadership that was supposed to allegedly represent us and and was supposed to solve our so-called "problems" that resulted. Actually most problems we make are though ourselves and through our attitudes and beliefs toward other people and/or their beliefs towards us (i.e. tribal mentality)

Let's be careful in making enemies (myself included) as it is more easier and rewarding to make friends, and you grow and learn more spiritual and intellectually from having done so in this capacity, than to worry about the sacredness of your politics, religion and/or ego.
