The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63751   Message #1381425
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Jan-05 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Not Hating One's Enemies
Subject: RE: BS: On Not Hating One's Enemies
Beautifully stated, Amos. You know your words very well indeed. By your standards I was using words sloppily. But isn't this like arguing about whether an art deco print is from the 1932 edition or the 1935 one? The point I was making was...that Love has no opposite, and neither do heat or light...except in the conventions of language.

They are phenomena that happen along a scale of perception from most to least...

LIGHT...less light...still less light....still less light.

We call "no light" "darkness". Darkness is not something in itself, it's just "no light". There is no opposite to light. There is no opposite to Love.