The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77506   Message #1382747
Posted By: Ferrara
19-Jan-05 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )
Subject: RE: Getaway 2005 (Oct.14-17 )
Leadfingers & everybody,

Until a few years ago this was mostly a local FSGW event. Everyone who usually attended knew it was going to happen, and they all knew they would get their applications in "eventually," and so did the folks putting it all together.... So, no one paid much attention to making the application forms available sooner than, say, August :-).

Now that we have folks coming from Alaska and the British Isles etc we are having to arrange things so people can make their plans somewhat earlier.... We're working on it, we're working on it....

Joe, or Max, or Jeff, do you know why we aren't getting links at the top to former Getaway threads? I thought that was automatic when a thread had "Getaway" in the subject but maybe I have misunderstood.... First time ever, if so.... I just asked and Bill says somebody has to make it happen.

Anyway I think if you search for "FSGW" and/or "Getaway" you'll get lots & lots of information about what the weekend and the camp are like. But ... only believe the good stuff, the rest is a pack of lies put out by people who are too chicken to stand a little chilly weather (30 degrees inside the cabins isn't really bad, is it, Mike?) and a few minor hills....

Anyway if you find one of the earlier Getaway threads you will see all the relevant links.