The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7756 Message #1382909
Posted By: GUEST,k. t.
20-Jan-05 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: Origins: My Home's in Montana
Subject: RE: Lyrics- Cowboy Song? - My Home's In Montana
i am a highschool student at Billings Senior High School in MT, my family has lived in Montana since the Homstead Act. this song has always been a favorite of mine! i thought would mention that they still teach this song in Elementary School! along with "Git Along Little Doggies" "Clementine" and "M-O-N-T-A-N-A" (which how many other states can boast that almost everyone in their state knows their state song?)they also still teach the dance to the "Virginia Reel" i must say that even though we aren't a state stuck in the Wild West Days... we do have a lot of culture! i wouldn't have it any other way! i have enjoyed reading all these threads!