The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77529   Message #1383056
Posted By: GUEST,Raggytash
20-Jan-05 - 07:28 AM
Thread Name: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat - Sat 12 March 2005
Following the fantastic night we had last year at Milnsbridge Socialist Club, we have now arranged a date for this years fun and games which will be hold on SATURDAY 12 MARCH.
As always, all are welcome to come and join us in a night of music and song, bring your voice and your instrument(s) of choice (even Banjo's if you must ..... Hi Jim)
It would be very helpful if you could let us know if you are coming so we can cook enough food and let the club have an idea of numbers so they can arrange sufficient bar staff/deliveries to cater for the vast amount of alcohol likely to be consumed.
Last years event was probably the best so far and thanks are due to all who came and sang and played, far too numerous to be mentioned by name, and I'll likely as not forget to mention someone and get a bollocking !
For those who haven't been before Runswick Bay Rescue Boat is NOT sponsored by the RNLI and is reliant upon volutary fund raising events like this.
So that's SATURDAY 12 MARCH 2005 ....... see you all there !