The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15435   Message #138371
Posted By: lamarca
19-Nov-99 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: A Capella CDs???
Subject: RE: A Capella CDs???
All my favorite unaccompanied singers are British Isles:

The Young Tradition - Their early recordings have all been re-released on CDs now. Vigorous, driving vocal close harmony on traditional English songs.

Coope, Boyes and Simpson - A FANTASTIC English trio who do mostly contemporary English songs; their albums "Hindsight" and "A Garland of Carols" have traditional material. My personal favorite is "Falling Slowly". Their harmonies are spine chilling. Jim Boyes was a member of Swan Arcade.

Franke Harte - fine singer and collector of Irish songs, especially from Dublin. His album "Daybreak and a Candle End" has been re-released on CD, and he has a new one of songs from the Rebellion of 1798(?).

Frankie Armstrong - you either love her voice or you hate it. She has a POWERFUL, projecting voice, singing everything from old ballads to contemporary feminist material. No particular favorite album.

Peter Bellamy - primary force behind the Young Tradition, Peter's vocal style is another acquired taste that I have acquired hook, line and sinker. His renditions of Kipling poems set to tunes (by him) are splendid, as is his choice and singing of English traditional material.

Dave Parry - the late Dave Parry of Canada did for Robert Service what Bellamy did for Kipling. A member of Friends of Fiddler's Green (also a good mostly a capella group), he had another strong voice and wonderful material.

Judy Cook is being modest - she has a self-produced CD of traditional American and British Isles songs.

All these recordings are available from one or more of these sources:

Camsco Music: Tayberry Music: Rockin' World: http//
