The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77487   Message #1383854
Posted By: Bob Bolton
20-Jan-05 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: Rainbow of Mudcat T-shirts ABSOLUTELYLAST CALL
Subject: RE: A Rainbow of Mudcat T-shirts?
G'day ClintonHammond,

As someone who has done a fair bit of custom T-shirt printing over the years .. the answer to your request: "... lemme know when I can get a black-T, with white ink ..." would be something like: "Several weeks more ... and anywhere from $20 to $50 extra ... depending ...!"

If the 'silk'-screen is a good, fine detailed, one (and my memory of my Mudcat T-shirt, at home, is that it is) - then the much thicker and less tractable opague white won't go through - and will gum up the screen. I have had to make special (coarser) screens for bands that want "roadie" style (black T-shirts with white printing) ... and it isn't economical for one-offs.

How Dick's printers work (especially now that screens are moving away from synthetic fabric to stainless steel mesh) is another question.

