The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60471   Message #1384206
Posted By: Rusty Dobro
21-Jan-05 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: Help me to find a slide-blues guitar.
Subject: RE: Help me to find a slide-blues guitar.
After 18 years with a Stratocaster, I walked out one midsummer morning and bought a wooden-bodied Dean resonator (Korean-built, and mentioned very early in this thread.) I've never owned anything similar to compare it with, but to me it seems excellent: well-made for the (budget) price, makes a nice noise, and has me practising far more than I have for years.

I'm enjoying exploring unfamiliar tunings, and if things keep going this well, may even saunter back into the public arena. Oh, and I don't miss the Strat at all.