The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77558   Message #1384496
Posted By: Rapparee
21-Jan-05 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
Rancher out this way had this bull that wouldn' know. Rancher sure wanted his herd bigger, but the bull just wasn't interested. Finally, the guy went to the vetenarian and asked for some stuff to make the bull do his bullish duty.

The vet gave him a a liter of some greenish liquid and told him that it would do the job.

And it did! That bull was riding the cows within five minutes of being drenched with the medicine. After servicing all of the heifers and the cows, he tried the pigs, the horses, and even the roosters. Finally collapsed and slept for three days straight (so to speak).

I asked the guy what was in the medicine. He said that he didn't know, but that it tasted like peppermint and after his wife poured it out on the ground the pump handle stood straight up for a week.