The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77624   Message #1386318
Posted By: GUEST
23-Jan-05 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Prayer request for Iraq troops and Iraqi
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer request for Iraq troops and Iraqi
The smart kids enlisting nowadays are enlisting in fields/service branches where they know they won't see "war on terror" combat.

That said, I have 5 members of family & friends' families who are currently serving in Iraq and Kuwait. Having friends and loved ones in the military isn't an exclusive province for right wing hawks. There are many people opposed to US militarism, imperialism, and the war on terror who also know/have people in the military.

I disagree with every person I know who chose to go into the military, and have never had any qualms about telling them and their families that, to their faces, at the dinner table. I refuse to kowtow to the right wing's claim that those who are related to/friends with those who serve in the military, must be aligned with the right's political and religious nationalist agenda.

Last time I checked, we still have that right and freedom in the US to speak to and about those in the military critically, without resorting to below the belt punches. Loving and respecting and supporting other people, doesn't mean having to love and respect and support all of their decisions, especially if they choose to join the volunteer military.