The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77561   Message #1386343
Posted By: GUEST
23-Jan-05 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: England Lacks Talent
Subject: RE: England Lacks Talent
"Something tells me that the producer was looking to find an angle and provoke a controversial statement - what better way than to roll out the old "England has no culture" warhorse for the millionth time? We do (self included) all take the bait whenever it's thrown at us - but whatever keeps it alive, eh?"

Consider the nail well banged.

Of course the producer was looking to stir the pot, and obviously chose the easiest route to non-controversy.

What is said and pathetic is how nearly every contributor to this thread fell for it.

Yer man from CC was simply playing along as an obvious wind up.

It is also blatantly obvious that precious few of the posters here are familiar with this now fairly long running music, arts, and culture festival in the dead of winter in Glasgow. How could anyone begrudge Glaswegians any sort of celebration in January, fer chrissake? Ever been there in January?

No, I thought not. Apparently most here don't get north of the border much any time of year (I hear they have devil's tails up there in Glasgow!), what with all of you wearing your biases so brazenly upon your sleeves. And everywhere else on your cultural apparel.

Celtic Connections regularly invites non-Celtic musicians to perform as guests at the headlining concerts only. Yes, they are on the bill as money-draws, to pull in the locals. Famous and well known American musicians do appear at this festival.

However, the rest of the week at Celtic Connections is a veritable feast of local, often amateur Scots and Scots Gaelic music and cultural events, celebrating their cultures while also embracing others.

The comment was a wind up, obviously intended to needle those smug and self-righteous English folk with a wee sense of humor, and even less cultural self-esteem.

Consider yerselves successfully wound.

And finally, I would suggest the word 'Celtic' would invoke much less anti-nationalist wrath if the English weren't so bloody nationalist in THEIR thinking.